Friday, November 7, 2008

"We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!"

Yes, Halloween is technically a year away. However, I've been brainstorming. I'd like for a change to actually think of an amazing and scary costume. Last minute efforts tend to fall flat of their face. Example: this year. I was really digging my 70's dodgeball costume but it probably would have worked out better if I had more friends to join the theme. Right now I'm thinking:

1. a Marionette- Nothing is scarier than a doll. Nothing!

2. Bette Davis as Baby Jane from "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?" (pictured below) - The only thing that can come close to being as frightening as a doll is an old, sadistic, alcoholic, ex vaudville performer still wearing little girl's clothing. The ringlets! The years of caked on makeup!

...see, dolls are creepy.

3. Gloria Swanson as Norma Desmond from "Sunset Boulevard" - Clearly decrepit bags of hollywood flesh really kick my creativity into high gear. Furthermore, I've always wanted an excuse to wear a turban.

"I'd like the coffin to be white, and I want it specially lined with satin. White... or pink. Maybe red! Bright flaming red! Let's make it gay!" - Norma Desmond

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