Monday, October 20, 2008

the ex list

It's the season for remenicing. An album or particular song can bring you back to a thin hair moment in time. I believe a great majority of my music collection, or taste for that matter, has come from exes (flings and friends). This is not a revelation. Most people are influenced by whom they spend time with.

9. Gil Mantera's Party Dream, Bloodsongs, 2006

Christian #1, affectionately known as "Grinner", turned me onto this 21st century new wave/electronica duo of spandex-clad brothers. When I first heard Bloodsongs two years ago, I thought the album was straight from 1986. It's fun, fresh, and familiar in a nostalgic way.

songs to download: "Buffalo Tears", "Elmo's Wish"

8. Pixies, Surfer Rosa, 1988

My old friend Charlotte was one of the first people to introduce me to alternative music in high school. We used to exchange mix tapes that included Modest Mouse, Le Tigre, The Smiths, and Built to Spill. One of my fondest memories was dancing around to "Bone Machine" of all songs.

songs to download: "Where is my mind?", "Bone Machine"

7. Elliott Smith, XO, 1998

Another Charlotte influence. I was a late Elliott Smith bloomer. I first heard "Waltz #2" in summer 2003. Tomorrow actually happens to be the 5th anniversary of his demise. He had such a beautiful sadness in his voice. This album especially makes me miss old friends.

songs to download: "Sweet Adeline", "Bled White", "Waltz #1"

6. Radiohead, Hail to the Thief, 2003

I always considered myself a big fan, that is, until I met self proclaimed "greatest fan" Jordan C. This kid lived and breathed Radiohead. I swear that's all he listened to the entire time we spent together. He also got incredibly defensive when I suggested Radiohead and Muse sometimes sounded similar (because they do). It was difficult to pick one specific album, I pretty much closed my eyes and chose randomly.

songs to download: "Wolf at the Door", "Scatterbrain", "2 + 2 = 5"

5. Supergrass, I Should Coco, 1995

This is an album I would have never stumbled onto in my own time. I was far too young in the 90's to remember Supergrass other than the popularity of "Alright" (Clueless soundtrack).

songs to download: "Mansize Rooster", "Lenny"

4. The Killers, Hot Fuss (UK version), 2005
Most of my favorite bands were introduced to me by Jared (numbers 1-4 on this list). He had the most impeccable and interesting music taste. He was always ahead of the hippest of hipsters, discovering new bands light years before popularity. I chose the UK version over the American release because of "Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll". It was just pretentious enough to make me fall head over heels.

songs to download: "Jenny Was a Friend of Mine", "On Top",
"Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll"

3. Matt Pond PA, Several Arrows Later, 2005
This might be one out of the two albums on this list where every song is perfect and download worthy. It reminds me of the transition from the last days of summer to a swift autumn breeze in the city...rooftop bbqs in October.

songs to download: "So Much Trouble", "Several Arrows Later", "Emblems", "Brooklyn Stars"

2. Athlete, Tourist, 2005
(Apparently 2005 was a good year in my life for music)
Tourist is so fucking delicate. I completely associate it as the we're-broken-up-so-i'll-listening-to-this-on repeat-and-cry-but-hey-at-least-it's-not-Barry-Manilow album. It still evokes a ton of emotion. "Chances", with its slow build up to its incredible orchestral style, just rips my heart out.

songs to download: "Chances", "Wires", "Trading Air", "Yesterday Threw Everything at Me"

1. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Howl, 2005
It's interesting because I didn't automatically love BRMC at first listen. I really like "Weight of the World" and "Gospel Song", but I put Howl on the back burner. I still don't know the exact reason why. However it's one of my most listened to records of 2008, which is why it's claimed the number one spot. Seriously, every single songs is haunting.

songs to download: all of them but to start..."Sympathetic Noose", "Ain't No Easy Way", "The Line", "Weight of the World", "Howl"

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