Monday, May 5, 2008

unexpected invitation

I got a call from my sister today. She invited me to come to San Francisco in a week, just in time to be a part of the Bay to Breakers marathon on May 18th. So I'm being spontaneous and going...well, if I can actually get through to the airline to redeem flight credit. Dealing with airlines makes me want to pull my hair out strand by individual strand.

The Bay to Breakers is a footrace about 7 1/2 miles long. It's more than a marathon, it's a big wild costume parade as well. There is this well known group of gentlemen, called BARE TO BREAKERS, that run the entire path completely naked (except for their footwear). I asked my sister how running naked through the streets was OK and she responded "well, it IS San Fransisco". Man, I miss the west coast.

My sister and her friends are dressing in their best 1980's day-glo, flashdance, MC Hammer parachute pants glory. I don't know what I'll be yet.
(Bay to Breakers official site)

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