Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Oscars: quick critique

1. Jon Stewart was OK. Steve Carell would have been better.
2. The show only ran 17 minutes over time.
3. Who invited Jessica Alba? Was is the same person who invited Miley Cyrus? Probably.
4. Diablo Cody is irritating and awkward. I kept praying the huge slit in her dress would reveal some embarrasing pubic hair.
5. I am overjoyed that Dario Marianelli won for best original score (Atonement).
6. Best speech: Javier Bardem, who loves his mother and dedicates his Oscar to the entire country of Spain.
7. Daniel Day Lewis is far too talented. And Tilda Swinton. And Marion Cotillard (my little french underdog). Love all around.
8. I actually enjoyed the constant use of montages.
9. Lots of people were snubbed. (see 10)
10. I was crossing my fingers hoping James McAvoy and Josh Brolin would slip each other a little tongue while presenting.
11. Jack Nicholson has still got "it". Continues to wear sunglasses inside.
12. Was anyone else worried that someone was going to seriously slip on the slick spot right in front of the main microphone? (see no. 3)

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