Tuesday, September 30, 2008

week in music: catch up, a midterm.

The dog days of Summer are over. Even though it's still 60ish-sometimes 70ish degrees out, Fall has officially begun. It's been over a month since I have posted any new material. In that month, I have broken up with a boyfriend, got school on track, ended my days of couch surfing, and begun to pick up the pieces of a life long battle with anxiety.

# of CD's purchased: 2
# of albums on heavy rotation: 12
# of concerts attended (this week): 0
# of concerts attended (this year): 14

3 weeks ago, I got the privilege of hanging out with What Made Milwaukee Famous (spreading the love all around...tons of good one liners and stories) and Wild Sweet Orange (Preston Lovinggood thinks I'm a "christian without even realizing"). Long story how I went from fan to friend. Essentially I was rejected from a wmmf show a few months prior for being just shy of 21. The band witnessed this and took pity. We kept in touch through the occasional myspace message.

For the first time I got to experience the glamorous and not so glamorous side of rock n' roll. Being behind the scenes made me realize how much music, especially live music, fuels my own artistic passion. I enjoy being surrounded by talented people doing what they love. It's similar to getting a taste of the fountain of youth; the spirit and sheer drive to succeed at anything becomes contagious.

My possible groupie status does concern me. Am I technically a groupie?